Ken Ofori-Atta, the finance minister has said the proposed Electronic Transactions Levey (E-Levy) will catapult Ghana into becoming an independent nation without aid.

He maintains that for the country not to be dependent on external sources especially, the International Monetary Fund, the E-Levy is the way out.

Speaking at a town hall meeting on E-Levy in Takoradi on Wednesday (2 February), Ofori-Atta said “the sovereignty of the people in making sure that we live well as a confident people and people who earn their way is paramount as we think through this whole issue of our philosophy of how to fund ourselves so that we don’t become dependent on outsiders including, particularly the IMF.

…So, that’s the challenge and that’s the plea that we bring here to let you know that look, we’re a country of manifest destiny for greatness and we should in whatever way we can, reclaim that role and that in our mind is through this new tax handle of E-Levy,” he stated.

“Your stance on E-Levy misplaced”

Ofori-Atta has described the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC’s) stance on the Electronic Transaction, E-Levy as misplaced.

The Minority in Parliament on Friday (28 January) rejected a reduction of the Electronic Transaction Levy to 1.5% from 1.75% after further consultation.

Speaking at a town hall meeting on E-Levy in Takoradi in the Western Region, Ofori-Atta said the number of people paying tax towards development is woefully inadequate.

“So, I think the NDC’s stance about not having E-Levy may be misplaced … It is not because they are not patriotic, but when we do the numbers, you will realize that clearly, we are at a point in our nation’s history that we need to do things differently.”

Nicholas Brown